Article that summarises what Studer grinding machines can offer you :
As early as 4,000 years ago, our ancestors were grinding holes into stone axes and hammers. Grinding is an ancient manufacturing method that is still being improved upon today.
Grinding allows for high precision, defined surface quality and can be carried out on materials that are difficult to process. There are two types: external cylindrical grinding and internal cylindrical grinding.
Studer supplies both external and internal cylindrical grinding machines. In the rest of our article, you can discover the different grinding machines available from this company.
Studer external cylindrical grinding machines

Conventional cylindrical grinding machines
Studer offers two types of non-CNC machines that are supplied with pre-installed grinding cycles. The S20 and S30 conventional cylindrical grinding machines grind small and medium work pieces with precision and ease. They also benefit from a large range of accessories and can be readjusted in record time.
CNC universal external cylindrical grinding machines
Using a CNC universal external grinding machine, it is possible to carry out internal and external cylindrical grinding in a single processing operation.
Do you need a simple and economical machine for your most important applications?Or perhaps a machine for the smallest work pieces? Studer’s brand offering extends across standard machines for the most important applications through to system solutions for complex grinding.
These grinding machines are equally well adapted for large as well as small work pieces. They can produce single pieces as well as run small and large series production.

CNC production external cylindrical grinding machines
Studer offers two cylindrical production grinding machines. They are perfect for carrying out large series production runs with highly productive grinding. This productivity is also improved thanks to the option for high-speed grinding. This option allows grinding up to 140 m/s.
With these grinding machines and their Industry 4.0 interfaces, you can substantially optimise your value chain. Without forgetting the OPC UA interface that ensures secure networking.
Studer internal cylindrical grinding machines

CNC universal internal cylindrical grinding machines
There is a Studer grinding machine for whichever type of internal cylindrical grinding task you need to carry out.
Spindle housings, flange parts, spindle shafts, bushes, rotor shafts, Studer grinding machines are perfectly suited to the areas of tool making, machine tools, aerospace and drive elements.
CNC production internal cylindrical grinding machines
At the heart of the Studer brand, you will find two specialised machines for grinding in both small and large series production. You can configure these machines according to your needs, allowing you to significantly improve your productivity.
That’s not all: an undeniable trump card for production internal cylindrical grinding machines is their ability to carry out internal and external grinding in a single processing operation.
CNC radius internal cylindrical grinding machines
If you are looking for a CNC radius internal cylindrical grinding machine, the Studer range will be of interest to you.
Essentially, it offers machines of different sizes and varying complexity. All that you need to do is to choose the model that best suits your needs.